nerve impulses

美 [nɜːrv ˈɪmpəlsɪz]英 [nɜːv ˈɪmpʌlsɪz]
  • 神经冲动
nerve impulsesnerve impulses
  1. Serialization part four : Discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve impulses ( 1936 )


  2. ( physiology ) of nerves and nerve impulses ; conveying information away from the CNS .


  3. The enzyme cholinesterase is important in the transmission of nerve impulses .


  4. Existence and uniqueness of solution for the systems of non-linear differential equations related to the transmission of nerve impulses


  5. Nerve impulses , hormone and organ-specific irritant can cause cell membrane depolarization .


  6. Effects of calcium ions and nerve impulses on changes in miniature end-plate potential frequency produced by toosendanin


  7. But it is also important that nerve impulses travel at high speed and a special material called myelin plays a vital role .


  8. Brains only detect nerve impulses .


  9. The gases inactivate the enzyme cholinesterase , which normally controls the transmission of nerve impulses .


  10. Transmits nerve impulses across a synapse .


  11. Botox blocks your nerve impulses , temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles .


  12. Research has shown that it speeds the transmission of nerve impulses , increases endurance , and strengthens conditioned reflexes .


  13. Electrical activity in the form of nerve impulses being sent and received to and from cortical neurons is always present , even during sleep .


  14. Synapse : Site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells or between a nerve cell and a gland or muscle cell .


  15. Whether we are awake or dreaming interpret nerve impulses and posit causes for them according to their own needs .


  16. It is used to obtain information about the processes of excitation and inhibition in a neuron and the mechanisms that initiate nerve impulses .


  17. Nerve impulses carry messages from the environment to the brain , for example , the pain you feel when you stub your toe .


  18. From the SCN , nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve ( sympathetic nervous system ) to the pineal gland .


  19. Both injections are made with forms of the botulinum toxin , which blocks nerve impulses to muscles and makes them relax .


  20. At the same time , the scientists implanted another set of electrodes into the brain regions receiving nerve impulses from the right and left set of whiskers .


  21. The results suggest the brain initiates a take-off sequence that involves a " giant fiber pathway " of nerve impulses to the wings and legs .


  22. When the myelin is destroyed , the nerves misfire , and nerve impulses can be slowed or disrupted .


  23. Spinal cord injury ( SCI ) interrupts conduction of nerve impulses , leading to neurological dysfunction , and the treat is hotspot and difficulty all over the word .


  24. It comes down to the fact that we human beings need calcium in our blood – it allows us to do all sorts of neat things , from contracting muscles to conducting nerve impulses .


  25. With the effects of anti-inflammatory , antipyretic and analgesic , indomethacin can reduce the prostaglandin synthesis , block the nerve impulses of pain in inflammatory tissue and suppress the inflammatory response through inhibiting the cyclooxygenase .


  26. Sound from the outside go through the outer ear , middle ear to the inner ear , and then transformed into nerve impulses after an initial analysis and reached the cochlear nucleus ( CN ) through the auditory nerve .


  27. The results showed that . the content of general Ca2 + increased markedly with the increase of temperature in a certain range , and leaded to faster and broader transmission of nerve impulses , enhanced metabolism activity and excitement of spiders .


  28. Background : Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease caused by a defect in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles which mediated by antibodies to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors ( AChR ) in T cell dependent immune responses .


  29. The Expression and Function of Dystrophin Glycoprotein Complex in Neuronal Cholinergic Synapses Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE , EC ) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ( ACh ) at cholinergic synapses to keep the normal transmission of nerve impulses .


  30. Presynaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors enhance cholinergic neurosecretion in the human iris-ciliary body Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE , EC ) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ( ACh ) at cholinergic synapses to keep the normal transmission of nerve impulses .
